Wednesday 19 August 2009

Recipe for home-made pizza

A wood-fired pizza oven, white hot

Balls of freshly made dough

Huge wooden board covered with flour

A selection of toppings

(if pineapple on pizza offends you, look away now)

Artichoke and Prosciutto Pizza for MrsM

An enthusiastic host and apprentice

Back off ladies, this one is for me!


  1. Oh what I would give for a pizza oven like that! K x

  2. Mmmmm! Home made pizza in a wood fired oven... It can't be beaten. Unless it's got pineapple on top of course! :)

  3. Yummy! Italy is the only place to have Pizza. I often wonder how easy it would be to build a wood fired oven in the garden! x

  4. Yum! But I am with Gina - mmmmmm, pineapple.

  5. oh.

    my stomach is grumbling now.

  6. I have the plans for a pizza oven, complete with instructions.

    I photocopied it once in a fit of youthful enthusiasm. I could probably send it to you if you like. It's completely pristine and unused, needless to say.

  7. FYI my husband can build a pizza oven or a fireplace, he learned from my dad, who learned from his dad, who learned from his dad ...
    It's the family's piƩce de resistence.

  8. Was it good? It looks like it was really good.

  9. That looks simply delicious!


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