Thursday, 12 April 2012


Let's look out of my window shall we?
Look past the white azalea,
ignore the flat roof with skylights
and the square building in the centre...
what do you see now?
Not the sky or the trees - that's too obvious.
Look on the left - that tall brown building...
I know it looks like a hall of residence
but that is an Olympic Village
for rowers and canoe sprint athletes.
Oh yes, my friends...
my office is your window onto London 2012.


  1. Oh my!

    Now my mother will have to follow your blog.

  2. Kaaa....ooooool!! I bet all things Olympic are buzzing around everywhere... how convenient that you should be the Queen bee! :-)

  3. Looking forward to the reportage!!

  4. Only you Alice. Thanks!!!

  5. I clicked on the link and suddenly the Olympics became secondary....... I want to be your office cleaner and enter that beautiful building every evening/morning.......... breathtaking!

  6. Felicity from Down UnderApril 13, 2012

    oh, oh, rowing! We're rowing tragics. How lucky for you to be so close to it all!

  7. Wow!!!!

    I used to row, once . . .

  8. Yes I am with Menopausal Musings....what a beautiful campus! Looking forward to more of the Olympics :-)

  9. And on tonight's national news we were told that in 100 days, the London Olympics begin. And I thought of my friend MrsM.

    I guess there will be other people there, too.


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