Saturday, 5 July 2014


It has been a joyful holiday
although it started in an unpromising way
when we got tangled up with
the French air traffic controllers' strike.

Our holiday list was straight forward:
eat good food,
read lots of books,
drink rosé wine,
soak up the sunshine,
catch up on sleep.

We have achieved all of those things.
High-five us.


  1. AnonymousJuly 05, 2014

    High five indeed! My last holiday was spent in the Dolomites and I did not want to come home...

  2. AnonymousJuly 05, 2014

    Congrats on your achievment of reaching your goals. Take beautiful photos was not on the list, but definitely attained!

  3. AnonymousJuly 05, 2014

    Sounds perfect.

  4. Lovely photos.
    Funnily enough that is always my list too.

  5. Love these color themed posts. And good for you on achieving all goals.

  6. High five! I think those would be my five objectives too.

  7. Enjoy! Your objectives are as life-affirming as your beautiful images. Oh, those ceramics...Yum.

  8. I'm so caught up in TDF fever that I came in thinking 'Yellow jersey'. Need to calm down.... Maybe a holiday would help, may I borrow your list?


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