Friday 2 July 2010

I think I blinked...

Today is the start of MissM's last week at school.

We are looking forward to the concerts and plays,
the picnics, Champagne Ball and Speech Day.

But this time next week it will all be over.

uniforms, name-tapes, suitcases,
homework, projects, reports, exams,
Carol Concerts,
Sports Days,
Parents Evenings

And I can't even begin to tell you
how strange that feels.


  1. I hope MissM has the most wonderful week and enjoys the anticipation of the next phase of her life. I hope her parents are able to relax and see the energy of her potential as she moves into adulthood.

  2. Oh! Those legs!

    MissM has always had a very wise face I think.

  3. I do, I do. (I hope her dress was a huge success, we've never had to choose one of those!).

  4. A milestone indeed. Best wishes for a happy week for all.

  5. Gosh. We are at the other end of the spectrum, with the last one starting in September. It all seems so very grown up!

  6. Oh, I know just how that feels - still remember collecting daughter from her last day at school. It was really strange - more boys than girls in tears though after last chapel. Hope all the last day events go well and leave you all with great memories. No more name-tapes has got to be a bonus (we've still got them on a few of our towels 14 years later!).

  7. I hope she cherishes all the special moments xoxo

  8. And I can't even begin to tell you how amazing that sounds- two months off is good enough for me! Bon courage!

  9. surely you're not going to miss the name tapes?????

    but yes, I can see how it must feel strange. I guess I should treasure mine a bit more...

  10. I wouldn't be packing away those name tapes just yet - she may well need them at uni

  11. That photograph breaks my heart a tiny bit.

    Sending you all lots of love...

  12. Yes, you blinked for sure. All this goodness only to be replaced with more of the same, only different. Can not wait to hear about all the festivities and in the next direction MissM chooses. Enjoy and bring a hanky everywhere you go.

  13. You write so pointedly that I can well remember the feeling. Some sadness, some relief, some anxiety on their behalf, maybe a little envy..and its always blossomy summery hopeful....

  14. That photo brought a little tear to my eye.

  15. Lovely to think on our golden wedding anniversary that another generation is starting on life's highway and wishing them all the success,friendship and happiness that we have enjoyed.

  16. I would imagine it would leave you feeling a little adrift? Good luck for the last week of school to you and MissM :-)

  17. It is incredible how time passes.
    enjoy this last week.

    onward you go.

  18. I can't even imagine, Alice. My photographs of that day are just months old.

  19. I hope she has a simply wonderful week!

  20. Two have finished school and we have one still there - and we are really treasuring his few remaining years as we now know it will be gone in the blink of any eye. The name tapes were a pain though!

  21. Anticipating change is a very strange feeling. But her future is bright (and knowing your family, will still contain many suitcases). Hope her final week gives you both memories you can always treasure.

  22. My goodness --- congratulations to your lovely young lady, and the very best of fortune for her in the future!


  23. With my daughter just completing her first year of school it feels like these days may go on forever. I can't imagine a more eloquent and beautiful reminder that they wont! Here's to the school run and all that comes with it!

  24. my comment got eaten! Wishing your family joy and plenty of grown up memories to sit gently alongside the tiny children ones..

  25. I am about to begin it all as eldest starts this phase of life in September. It must feel so strange to be ending it.


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