Thursday 30 September 2010

Champagne Moment

You should always keep
a bottle of champagne in the fridge
because... never know when your daughter
is going to get her first job offer.


if you can guess where it is
please don't mention the name


  1. Oh!
    Someone needs to explain these things to me!
    Isn't she on gap year? Won't she be going to school?
    Why can't our children stay in SCHOOL?!

  2. congratulations! I am hoping it is in the fashion realm, as she is clearly gifted in that area!

  3. congrats to MissM. Is this a career job or just an inbetween job? I thought she was taking a year off before college? How wonderful for her :)

  4. Oooh! Well done, MissM! That certainly is worth celebrating.

    I hope the job is precisely what you would want it to be.

  5. If you want to know I always do (Prosecco as I prefer it to Champagne and I AM Italian after all!). My son is too young but I keep there as I never know when lovely friends may show up.
    Or I drink it when I feel like ... if they don't.
    But hey, this is grand news, so congratulations and many more Champagnes on her way!

  6. I'm afraid I drink it every day! (Prosecco, actually, like Paola) I find it very sustaining ;-)

  7. You work 'em hard, Mrs Magpie. Wasn't long ago you had your son sweating over chocolates.

  8. congratulations xxx

    we had had a first this week - my daughter cooked dinner. not quite a champagne moment, but getting there!

  9. Glad to see it is Lanson champagne even if it isn't made in Dunheved.
    word verification : near at !

  10. I'm taking a bottle off the rack and putting it into the fridge right now. And I might not even wait for a job offer (no point waiting for a daughter's job offer!) before drinking it!

  11. How exciting! PS any excuse is a good excuse to drink champagne :-)

  12. Well done! I hope those funds will be used for further adventures before heading off to university.

  13. the replacement bottle in the rack turned out to be the empty Lanson box which was a wake up call. I have now rectified the situation with a bottle of Taitinger and one of prosecco

  14. We usually do - though like some others I prefer Prosecco, too. Well done Miss M.

  15. Congratulations, Miss M! So exciting. But now I want details!

    K x

  16. We keep a bottle of Bohemian Sekt in our fridge, it comes in surprisingly handy!

    Congrats to Miss M!

  17. Oh how wonderful, clever Miss M. We try to keep a bottle of Veuve in the rack at all times in case of emergency celebration requirements.

  18. Julia
    There used to be a restaurant in Warick where every encounter with the hostess involved her telling one or more amusing tales. Whenever you asked for Sekt she always said "you mean the drink the bohemians drank out of their mistress's belly buttons?"
    She had to keep cheerful because she suffered badly from ME and her husband was a manic depressive ex Russian wrestler who spent the whole and every evening sitting morosely at the bar !

  19. Many congrats to Miss M - there is something really rather exciting about first job offers :)

  20. ScottFest 2010. Made even better by a bottle of pink sparkly fizz.

    Many congratulations to Miss. M. Are we allowed to hazard guesses as to the where???? My first guess is NASA.

  21. Oh many many congratulations. I envy you your shopping trip - I rather miss suits.

    We had a first this week too - MissP gold a gold star for her homework. She has mastered writing 'curly c' and had drawn a jug of custard and crumble and stuck them in her book.

  22. I'm late reading this but congratulations Miss M. And have lots of fun shopping!

  23. Congratulations to Miss M! A new career opens up all kinds of new fashion opportunities!


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