Thursday, 16 May 2013

Bento #8

Stand by your beds
it's Bento time!

Can we can get any madder?
Or more extravagant?
Yes we can!

Dressed crab salad.
And why not?

< Don't lick the computer screen... >

Goats cheese with cranberry and hazelnut toast
and a golden oregano leaf.
Because coriander is so last week.

Red fruit salad with free range raspberries.
No expense spared around here.

I am eating this with Blogless Andrea
who sent me this link about sock knitting.
Willow pattern socks!
What's not to like?


  1. My god.
    You are raising the barre.

  2. so you don't want to know about my every expense spared nettle soup that I had for lunch then.........

  3. Damn! tongue marks on the screen are so difficult to remove... as is the drool on the keyboard. I am hungry.

    Kudos to the Bento box Queen.

  4. You sound positively giddy! BentoMania?? :)

  5. Your Bento Box had me giggling. Although I'm going to argue that (for me) Coriander is definitely not last week - because I am really struggling to get mine to grow! I plan on making a Laksa from scratch and whilst this green finery eludes me, I'm forced to stick with dishes that good old Oregano adorns in abundance. Here in Perth town I'm forced to argue that indeed it's this (and all other "Eye-Tallion" 'erbs that are quite "old school"

    Have a great day lovely one!!

  6. One-oh-fourMay 16, 2013

    I need to know more about the cranberry and hazelnut toast.......

  7. DeborahSMay 16, 2013

    I love reading your posts so am just here now to say a big thank you. Your bento lunches are inspiring. And the willow pattern socks - well, had me giggling with delight. So very mad. Thank you.

  8. Your bento boxes are a delight, as always - but WILLOW PATTERN SOCKS!!! Oh my.

  9. Liz in Missouri (USA)May 16, 2013

    Kind of makes my ham sandwich want to hide under the desk - but then - under the desk are the plain knit white socks that now want to throw themselves over a cliff. LOL
    Inspirational is the word that comes to mind today.

  10. I hadn't even seen this when I commented your previous post ...
    I bow to you, Bento Queen.

  11. AnonymousMay 16, 2013

    Dressed crab? Bliss but that does beg the question, is it a very small crab or is the Bento box wide?

  12. Bento would be a good name for a dog. Particularly a labrador ...

  13. AnonymousMay 16, 2013

    Enjoyed lunch today tremendously, Alice! Thank you.
    Haha, Toffeeapple! I suspect that MrsM carries a measuring tape when shopping for lunch ingredients. That, and a colour fan. She likes to get her details just right.

    Blogless Andrea

  14. Okay, that bento is amazing, but those socks! I don't even know what to say! So beautiful!

    We just got back from visiting K's elderly aunt in upstate NY. I knew I would like her immediately when I saw the blue willow dish full of blue and white ceramic balls on the dining room table, and in the kitchen, cream and sugar dishes in that polish blue and white pattern that looks like eyes.

  15. "free range raspberries"!!!
    i can't stop smiling
    or drooling!


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