Thursday, 18 September 2014

Waiting for the Instagram Muse

I'm a late adopter of Instagram because the app was designed for iPhones and I have always used an HTC so that by the time the android version of Instagram was launched I was using twitter for landscape photography. I didn't think very much more about Instagram until MasterM suggested that I create an account so that I could see his pictures.

Each form of social media has strengths and weaknesses and it has been interesting to explore Instagram this week. I am surprised how small the pool of users appears to be with everyone following everyone else so that the images are quite homogenous. When I look for different accounts it is not obvious how to find them - Pinterest offers trails to follow and twitter has the retweet which introduces unlikely topics and innovative users to a wider community. When I took landscape shots for twitter I posted them at the time they were taken and I assumed that Instagram would be similar but it seems that it is used as a version of Facebook with images selected and edited and not necessarily contemporaneous and this surprised me. I can see how friends who used to blog regularly have used Instagram as a microblogging site and this ties in with the move from laptops to tablets. Instagram has a feeling of intimacy and it is very soothing to scroll though the images especially if you are escaping from the rancour of the #indyref debate on twitter but too much can become overwhelming.

I think it will be a while before I find a theme for my Instagram photos, something which separates them from my blog and my twitter feed because I don't see the point in duplicating everything but until the I will potter on taking pictures of roses and trying to think of something interesting to say about them. Oh, and I can confirm that it was a couple of days before I realised that Instagram photos are square. I'm @alice.christie if you want to peek at my early failures.


  1. I'm so happy you're on instagram, I love your pictures. :-)

  2. I'm just in awe of these roses.

  3. I'm not quite ready for instagram having come very late to twitter and blogging. In my daughter's world it seems to be used for a thousand selfies, although maybe that's Snapchat??

  4. For me, it seems to be a way to keep in touch with people (i.e. children) who don't really use facebook. It seems more a different audience than anything else. Also, the natgeo pictures are amazing.

  5. I am yet to venture into the world of instagram, I fear I would ever find my way out again......

  6. I love Instagram, so glad you're joining. Off to look for you.

  7. I love Instagram!! give it a chance Alice. you don't have to find a new voice... just be you.

  8. I was a late adopter of Instagram...but I love it now. I'm @feetonforeignlands if you want to follow me!


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