Saturday, 26 November 2011

Silence in Unexpected Places

The foyer of the Royal Festival Hall is a frantic place. I hate it - the noise is too great, the bars too busy and the seats filled with people who are only there to be seen. It is as though the busy-ness of the world outside has become concentrated in that small space and it feels oppressive and claustrophobic.

When I was there last week I looked down into the lower ground floor and saw two people dancing the tango in silence. The intensity of their concentration created an impermeable boundary against their surroundings and as I watched them I could feel the noise retreat.

I used to be able to make the silence I need to write but the concentration that requires is elusive at the moment. I am being patient.


  1. It will come back, dear Alice, and we will be patient right along with you. xxoo

  2. what a wonderful moment...those two dancing in silent...
    it will come back your inner silence. it will : )

  3. It'll be back, I'm sure.

  4. What a lovely image of the dancers. Has something disturbed your equilibrium? I wish you balance.

  5. We'll be here. There's no hurry. Like toffeeapple I do hope all is well.

  6. I do believe that the blessed silence will come back. It will and it will come in on little soft feet. Little soft feet that will not shout, will not announce, will just BE. Be silent and know that I am it will say. The beauty of silence will blossom quietly and with such a gentle strength...a silent strength..which I think is the best kind of strength there is. Little soft feet that I think will be such a lovely grey, and such an encompassing comfort.

  7. Hope all is well Alice - it seems it may not be - but I hope it is... and if not now, then soon.


Thank you! I love reading your comments and even though I don't always have time to reply I am really grateful to every one who joins in the conversation.