Wednesday 29 February 2012

be not afeard

Lady Hamilton (as Miranda)
George Romney

MrsM is reading The Happiness Project
She is three chapters in
and she needs to stop,
lie on the sofa
and take a deep breath.

There are so many requirements:
Personal Commandments
Splendid Truths
Secrets of Adulthood
Bluebirds of Happiness
Pigeons of Discontent
Spiritual Masters

and her head is buzzing.

MrsM ponders all the changes in her life
since the last time it was 29 February
when MasterM and MissM were still at school
and then she switches on her ipod
and writes out out her personal motto:

"be not afeard"

It seems like a good start.


The Happiness Project
was recommended to me
by Monica and Ali.

I don't usually link to cover versions
but I love this one .


  1. Thank you for the link Mrs M. It was very very lovely music for this morning.

  2. Pigeons of discontent? Really?

  3. I read this quite some time ago, and was simultaneously inspired and irritated by it.

  4. You might like to remember that your fudge recipe came from somebody who was born on 29th February. Had she not died at such an early age she would be eighteen or nineteen today.

  5. Be not afeard! I should take that motto to heart, as several nights ago in a fairly realistic dream, I ran and hid from the monsters, instead of rushing out to conquer them. Even in my dreams I am not brave, I need to put your motto into practice! Maybe starting in another dream!

  6. I have not actually read this book because it terrifies me.

  7. This song, combined with last Feb 29th's post has just made me cry.

    I read the happiness project blog for a while, but it always made happiness seem like such hard work.

    Sometimes I think that the more you work at happiness the more elusive it seems.

  8. Alice,

    I read a chapter of 'The Happiness Project' at the start of each month, alongside a chapter of Nigel Slater's 'Kitchen Diaries'. It was a very civilised year.



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