Sunday 7 September 2014


MrsM confesses to MrM that she has not bought him a wedding anniversary card. MrM sighs with relief and confesses that he too is cardless. They try to decide on a remedial course of action. MrM reminds MrsM that they are going out for lunch to celebrate and MrsM acknowledges that in ordinary circumstances this would be sufficient but she is still anxious about the consequences of their negligence. "Do you think we should pop out and buy a couple of cards before MissM gets home? She will be very disappointed if her parents are not behaving appropriately."


  1. Happy anniversary!
    Diktynna x

  2. Happy anniversary. I love the photo of you both behaving inappropriately.

  3. Happy anniversary, I hope it was a good lunch.

  4. I usually forget anniversaries too. In fact, OH and I were trying to recall how long we had been together, recently, the consensus was - about twenty years. Happy anniversary! xx

  5. Hilarious! We are usually going on holiday at the time of our anniversary so it is just something else to think about in the pre-holiday melee. I forgot one year and this year my husband forgot so we are '1 all' at the moment, not that either of us is competitive or counting.

  6. We don't use cards.


    We are BAD.

  7. Paola, we don't either. I prefer to think of it as non-materialistic and environmentally conscientious.

  8. Happy belated anniversary! Love the photo--better than any card! xx

    A message from the lovely Kristina which I accidentally deleted. #fail


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