Friday, 11 February 2011

Don't Judge Me

I have a small announcement to make:

I am in a new relationship.

It is not that I have stopped loving Orlando...
it is simply that Bill came into my life
when I desperately needed inspiration
and his insouciant attitude to convention
was so refreshing that I fell for him immediately.

Bill gets down to basics
and introduces new ideas, new techniques.
I would never have thought
of casseroles without braising the meat,
ripping mozzarella with my hands,
or serving satay without sticks.

It is so,so wrong but it feels so right.

And his eggs are to die for.


  1. You are starting to sound like a little tarty! Next it will be Jamie! (Jaimie Oliver)

  2. People queue for his scrambled eggs at his cafe in Sydney ..

    I have a number of his books and they are all good..

  3. Yum! What time would you like us to arrive? And is there a good place to park the bus?

  4. Ah yes indeed. Bill.... Mr. CB dislikes his wide toothy grin, I wonder why?

    Have you got his 'Sydney Food'? Highly recommend it.

    When you come for a visit I'll take you to Bill's place for ricotta hotcakes with honeycomb butter. OK?

  5. Is that Eggs Benedict? Mmmmmm. Heart attack on a plate is its popular name here.

    As long as you don't start running after Ainsley or AWT, I'll forgive your fickle behaviour. All that Ready Steady Cook perkiness could become a little wearing.

  6. WIll do a little research as I don't know either one.

  7. They both sound very seductive gentlemen. Make sure that they don't steal your heart - for MR M sounds a very hard act to follow.

  8. His scrambled eggs are the best. Now will have to give his poached eggs a go! And will keep an eye out for his next London breakfast because now you simply have to come :)

    K x

  9. National pride prevents me from adding anything ;-)

  10. I"m sorry to say so... but you'll have to join the queue. I got there first.

    I'm pretty sure he's mine.

  11. coffee lady converted me to Bill a while ago with tales of sausages and parmesan mash. the library won't let me renew his book anymore...............

  12. I'm quite new to the world of Bill but he's captured my attention. I saw a re run of one of his 'Tasty Weekends' recently. He made wedge chips. Five minutes before they were finished he grated parmesan on them and put them back in the oven. That's better than red roses that is.

  13. Look, lady. (And everyone on here. You too.) I have made it very clear on more than one occasion that Bill is MINE.

    Believe me. If this goes on, there will be crying in the toilets before midnight, and the tears will not be mine.

  14. I love his approach to cooking, his perfect home and family, his dazzly-white smile, and his lack of pretentiousness. Haven't gone so far as to buy one of his books yet, however. Maybe you need to show us more.....

  15. What a dish ;-)

    Been away dealing with cyclones but power is back and I get this weekend to play catchup :-)

  16. Love all of Bill Granger's books. I'm not a natural cook but he makes cooking for family so much easier.

  17. Cooked the shortbread earlier today and now cooking 1 of his curries - yum!

  18. Oooh MrsM, you are flibbertygibbet. Who will you be flirting with next?

  19. You got to love a man who cooks. :)

  20. This is the second time you've made me crave eggs.

  21. Well, as an Aussie living in California I'm ashamed to say I had no clue who Bill was until this past weekend, when I caught his (probably very old by now) show on a food channel here and wrote down his name - who is this bloke, he's great!! No wonder you love him too, he's magic :) So, enjoy the eggs, I like the veggie dishes, and am an official Bill Fan Newbie.

  22. My most favorite way to eat the world.


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